Wednesday, November 20, 2013

TMI Tuesday Wednesday

1. Commando: Sexy or disgusting? Do you have a "best" commando story?
I love -- no, LOVE -- going commando!  As for my best commando story, my fiance, Jay, loves me to go commando as well, so I often do it now when we go out, and several times that's led to a lot of fun in nightclubs, bars or other dimly-lit hangouts (see previous post about Karaoke).

2. Foreplay: Is there such a thing as too much?
Up to this point in my life, sex had been ho-hum, but Jay has introduced me to the difference between love-making and sex -- and the greatest difference is foreplay.  So, I love it and cannot get enough!  No such thing as too much!

3. Oral sex: Good if you are getting? Good is you are giving? Equally ewwwww?
LOVE to give... LOVE to receive... Equally YUMMMMM!!!

4. Orgasm: Is one per night enough or does the first one just get your motor running?
One is never enough.  In fact, I'm to the point now where one simply gets me warmed up.  With Jay, I like climaxing again and again and again, until I beg him to stop and allow the muscles in my body some time to relax.

5. Morning sex: "Oh hell yes!", "Well if I have, too." or "Just get in the shower and go to work."
"Oh, hell yes!!!"  Every chance we get, Jay and I start the day off right!

Bonus (as in optional): Have you ever had anonymous sex? Have you ever had an orgasm without at least knowing your partner's last name?
Never had anonymous sex and never had sex with someone I didn't know.

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